
PrimerQuest™ Tool

Design primers or assays for PCR, qPCR, or sequencing (any species).

  • Customization of ~45 parameters, allowing qPCR assay designs:
    • With specific primer, probe, or amplicon criteria
    • Across a specified location
  • Design algorithm includes multiple checks to reduce primer-dimer formation
  • Provides flexible sequence entry and batch entries (up to 50 sequences)

Research-friendly UX

Flexible input and advanced parameters to optimize your custom order:

  • Enter your sequence
  • Adjust calculation options
  • Choose a function
Get started

New to the PrimerQuest Tool?

Our video will introduce you to the basics and get you up and running quickly. We’ll go over the various functionalities available in the tool, using example sequences.

The power to customize 45 different parameters

Icons Library_Sky_85x85_Build-Assemble
Enter your sequence

  • Manually using FASTA format
  • Download using Genbank or Accession ID
  • Upload an Excel file
Icons Library_Sky_85x85_Sequence
Design and customize

  • PCR (2 primers)
  • qPCR (2 primers + probe; for use in 5' nuclease assays)
  • qPCR (2 primers; for use with intercalataing dyes)
  • Customize design parameters (optional)
Icons Library_Sky_85x85_How to order
Select and order assays

  • Click the box(es) next to the set(s) you wish to order.
  • Click the green assay bar(s) in the schematic.
  • For batch analyses, click Select Top Result for All Sets.
  • Click Add Selected Assays to Cart.
  • Choose options (e.g., synthesis scale, purification options, flourescent dyes, and quenchers), and follow screens to checkout.


Need help or inspiration?

If you need further assistance please call, email, or web chat us today.

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