This integration platform offers direct, secure, system-to-system messaging between the institutions procurement system and the IDT e-commerce site to communicate ordering information. The customer clicks a link within their procurement system to order from IDT, which opens an embedded ordering session on the IDT e-commerce site. Our punchouts have been integrated with Ariba, Jaggaer (SciQuest), Oracle Supplier Network, Coupa, Aquiire, Unimarket, LabCloud, Prendio, and other third-party software. Supported transmission types for punchouts include commerce XML (cXML) and open catalog interface (OCI).
Valuable features of our punchouts include:
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By clicking a link within your purchasing system to buy from IDT, an ordering session is opened within a browser frame from your procurement site. User will automatically be logged into their own IDT ordering account. This maps each user to a unique IDT punchout account, based on the user data provided and allows anonymous ordering, when user data are not provided in the punchout message. User can read and store custom fields, for downstream reporting purposes.
The item information is transferred from the IDT ordering session to the user's procurement software; there are custom fields to accommodate organizational needs. The shipping/tax is configurable at the header level or as a line item and returns UNSPSC code for configured items.
A message is then sent from the buyer's procurement system to IDT, authorizing placement of an order. This supports the combining of items from multiple ordering sessions onto a single PO, or the splitting of items from a single ordering session onto multiple POs. However, item numbers are unique and cannot be reused on subsequent POs; users can read and store custom fields.
Working with Integrated DNA Technologies B2B Integrations team over the years has been a pleasure. lDT's streamlined integration process makes it easy to test and set up punchout connections in our Prendio procurement software.
Our new customers are typically integrated and placing B2B orders within a couple days. The continued support provided by their integration specialists is appreciated by our whole team.