Icons Library_Sky_circle_60x60_Express core valuesExpress your talents

We all contribute to IDT’s success. Embrace IDT’s complexity, be the expert in your domain, and share your knowledge.

Icons Library_Sky_circle_60x60_Humble core valuesBe humble

We don’t take success for granted, because it is never guaranteed. Big or small, every win matters.

Icons Library_Sky_circle_60x60_Evolve core valuesEvolve & Adapt

We are in an ever-changing industry. Listen to our customers, engage with each other, be flexible, and embrace change.

Icons Library_Sky_circle_60x60_Embrace core valuesEmbrace data

We ♥ data. Harness its power to influence decision-making, improve processes, and make us more successful.

Icons Library_Sky_circle_60x60_Be yourself core valuesBe yourself, unless you're a jerk

We function best when we can just be ourselves. Treat each other with respect and compassion. Be honest and trusting.

Icons Library_Sky_circle_60x60_Create core valuesCreate your own opportunities

We are part of an evolving industry with changing needs. Be an advocate for yourself. Be accountable, stay committed, and show an eagerness to learn.

Icons Library_Sky_circle_60x60_Collaborate_core valuesCollaborate & achieve

We are one global team. Celebrate our differences, engage in healthy debate, and be inclusive. Together, we accomplish great things